Sörens first book was released in 1984.

Since then he has published more than 220 books.

For a full production list, click here.

Some of the writing is also scripts for

movies, television, radio, theater and newspapers.

Humor and depth for small and grown up children


Sören Olsson is one of our most read and beloved writers. His stories are always filled to the brim with humor while gravity is always present. With the assumption that life doesn’t always turn out exactly as expected, Sören Olsson has a unique ability to create stories about children and adults who are both light-hearted and full of warmth and depth.


Together with Anders Jacobsson Sören Olsson has written over 183 books about Sune, Bert and Håkan Bråkan. They are published in 30 countries and loved by children and young people worldwide. When books about Sune and Bert moves to the screen or television, the scripts are written by Sören Olsson.


His own books and film projects are stories for both children and adults.


Sören Olsson is also a popular and sought-after lecturer who talks, among other things, about how it is to live with a child who has Down’s Syndrome and also a fatal disease called Eisenmenger's syndrome. Together with his wife Yvonne, he has written a book "Prince Different," a personal story about what it was like to live with a loved and handicapped child.


Prince Different (Prins Annorlunda)

Sören Olsson & Yvonne Brynggård-Olsson

February 2 1991 Ludvig was born, a long-awaited firstborn. His parents, Sören and Yvonne, had prepared and fantasized about what their life with a child would be like. After just a few weeks, they knew nothing would be what they had expected.


With the knowledge that Ludvig has Downs Syndrom a new journey begins, firstly as sadness over that they hadn’t gotten the baby they had dreamed of, later as a growing love to Ludvig.


But the parents’ worries increase as the son has a difficulties to cope with physical efforts, although the doctors still confirm that Ludvig is a healthy little boy. But at a doctor's appointment when Ludvig is 12, everything suddenly changes.


Prince Different is a story about a boy’s childhood, the environments fear for of the unknown and about the joy, struggle and pain of parenthood. But above all Prince Different is a declaration of love to a child whom many might have opted out on.

Read the first page here!


211 pages


183 books

  12 million copies

  Published in about 30 countries

Several hundred radioshows

15 feature movies. 

14  television series

10 theaters

Approximately 200 audiobooks

10 musicrecords

  6 games (CD-rom & boardgames)

Walla - The Wishing Ring (Önskeringen)


When Aminah, Tariq, Moe and My get to know each other – they discover, to their surprise, that some wishes can actually come true.


Even wishes which at first can seem impossible, can turn out to be perfectly possible if you just help them a little on the way.

But the innermost wishes one carries, surely they cannot come true?

Not the wishes one hasn’t even told any other living person?

How can a wish come true, if noone else knows about them?


In fairy tales, fantasy can sometimes become reality.

Reality can sometimes be like a fairy tale.


The Wishing Ring is set in Vivalla in Örebro, one of many so called "Million program areas" in Sweden. It is written like a classic tale in a contemporary costume and with aromas from the classical Arabic fairytale treasure.


The story is purpose written in a prose that young people can relate to. And in a way so that all words and concepts are not traditionally Swedish.


The characters are brought to life with the help of a series of interviews made with three young girls who live and work in the actual housing area in Örebro.


You can read the first chapters of the book here!